Our Commitment to Safety and Quality: All Our Company and Product Certifications.

Certifications are fundamental in showcasing the excellence and quality of our company.

At Oversonic, we work every day to effectively meet customer demands. For this reason, we ensure continuous updates and steadfast compliance with European and international directives and standards.

Company Certifications.

Certificazione ISO di Oversonic
Certificazione ISO azienda Oversonic
Certificazione ISO 2015 Oversonic

Product Certifications.

Certificazione ISO di Oversonic
Certificazione ISO azienda Oversonic
Certificazione ISO 2015 Oversonic
Certificazione CE Industria di Oversonic

the Certified
Humanoid Robot.

RoBee is a cognitive humanoid robot equipped with all the necessary certifications for commercialization. Thanks to the certifications obtained over the years, it can be employed across various production sectors.

Request more information on how RoBee can improve productivity and quality in your company!

RoBee, Robot per Compiti Gravosi, Oversonic